Prof. Satoru SONE
Brief Bio: Satoru SONE, Born in 1939 in Tokyo, graduated from the Univ. of Tokyo in 1962, PhD in Electrical Engineering in 1967.
Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor of the Univ. of Tokyo 1967-1968, 1968-1981 and 1981-2000 respectively. After retiring from the Univ.of Tokyo he joined Kogakuin Univ. to establish a new laboratory in electric railway fields as Professor 2000-2007 and then he is a key organiser of Lectire Series of Railways for continuous education at the same Univ. The Lecture Series of Railways is unique in Japan and popular to professionals of various fields in railway industries as well as among railway enthusiasts.
He engaged mostly in various electric railway fields including modern power electronic traction systems, development of linear motored metro system, safety aspects of train operation, improved train scheduling/ rescheduling system, and high performance energy saving technologies by using energy storage systems.
Some examples of his contribution to actual railway systems are; development of Shinkansen in early stage especially in stable current collection at booster section of the catenary, development of world first regenerative trainset, Series 300, development of super high speed maglev systems toward practical use, linear motored small profile transit system supported by steel wheels on steel rail, and improved train scheduling of intercity high-speed line and suburban commuter lines.
Author and co-author of books including 'New Railway Systems' (1987 Ohm Publ.), 'Textbook of Modern Electric Railways' (2000 Corona Publ.), and 'Electric Railway Habdbook' (2007 Corona Publ.), all in Japanese. Also an occasional contributor to Railway Gazette International.
Recent contribution to RGI related to positive application of energy storage systems appeared in June 2013, July 2007 and June 2003 issues.
Title: Purposes and configuration of hybrid traction
Abstract: This Keynote Speech is not aimed for any single purpose of development such as energy saving, limitation of voltage fluctuation etc. but for overall improvement of the system. It is still difficult to adopt energy storage devices from purely economic point of view because even state of the art technology in electric energy storage devices is still too expensive and too heavy if loaded on-board. In order to escape from the difficulty, the author stresses the importance of multiple purposes and coordination of all energy storage devices located near to each other, wayside or on-board.
Similar lecture has been made recently by the author at a joint IEEJ (the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) meeting of Investigation Committees of On-board Hybrid Traction and Wayside Storage Systems.
Prof. JIA LiminLimin Jia, Professor of Beijing Jiaotong University, Ph. D. supervisor, Chair Professor of China State Key Laboratory of Railway Traffic Control and Safety, Chairman of RITS (Railway Intelligent Transportation System) Committee of ITS China, Chairman of Committee of Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation of China Electrical Technology Association, Vice Chairman of Intelligent Automation Committee of China Automation Association. Title: Real-time Holistic Monitoring and Safety Warning Technology of Urban Rail Trains
Buchheit KarlheinzBrief Bio: Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Buchheit Born: 1964 in Germany Education 1985 – 1990 Study of electrical engineering at University of Kaiserslautern Germany Major subject: drive and control technology 1994 – 1994 PHD-Study at University of Kaiserslautern Germany Institute of control systems and signal processing 1994 Doctor degree in electrical engineering PhD thesis: Iterative learning control systems Professional experience Since 1994 Siemens AG, Erlangen Rail Systems division Working in several areas of railway engineering Mainly dealing with engineering of high-speed trains 1994: Development of drive systems Development of on board power supply systems Development of control systems for tilting trains 1997 Section leader in the drive system department 2002 Engineering project management Complete engineering responsibility for the Spanish project Velaro EComplete engineering responsibility for the Chinese project CRH 3 Since 2008: Head of department for electrical engineering high speed trains Engineering responsibility for: - Train control systems - Bus communication - Diagnosis - Circuit technology - Display systems - High-tension equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Earthing systems Type the text here
Title: Challenges in high speed, multi system train control
Abstract: In Europe there is an increased demand for cross-border railway connections. In order to make these journeys as comfortable as possible, vehicles are needed which can be operated in several countries and railway networks. For historical reasons, the railway infrastructures in the individual countries were developed independently from each other. As a consequence, a very heterogeneous infrastructure, e.g. different power systems and various automatic train protection systems, has come into existence.
Multi-system trains have to cope with the requirements resulting from this heterogeneous infrastructure. The diverse requirements that apply to vehicles in cross-border railway operation are shown and the body of the presentation illustrates how these challenges were answered in the Velaro Platform.
Train control is a key technology in order to fulfill these requirements. The presentation will give an overview of the control of high-speed multi-system trains. The basic properties of train control, e.g. control unit, bus communication and diagnosis are described. Furthermore, the integration of multiple automatic train protection systems is stressed. Finally, the presentation illustrates the engineering process with respect to safety-relevant control systems.
The presentation closes with an outlook on future developments in train control.
一直从事工业远程监控、电力系统及其自动化、智能图像监控、智能信息处理、群体优化算法、燃料电池(氢能源)技术及其应用等领域的科研和教学工作,曾先后主持、主研国家、省部级科技攻关项目和重大工程项目三十余项。其中,获省部级科技进步一等奖3项、二等奖1项、三等奖2项;主持或主研国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、铁道部科技计划项目等国家、省部级科研项目及工程项目40多项,在IEEE Trans. on Power Systems、IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics、Electrical Power System Research、Journal of Power Sources、中国电机工程学报等国内外重要学术刊物或国际会议上发表学术论文220余篇,SCI、EI收录80多篇,参编教材两部。
主持、主研教改项目多项,获2009年国家优秀教学成果一等奖1项、四川省优秀教学成果一等奖2项,是“轨道交通电气化与自动化”国家级教学团队骨干教师、“电气工程及其自动化” 国家级特色专业建设点骨干教师、“远动监控技术”国家精品课程负责人。
Title: 燃料电池混合动力现代有轨电车
Abstract: 报告介绍了现代城市有轨电车的发展现状,提出了一种基于燃料电池和超级电容器的混合动力现代有轨电车设计。该设计结合了燃料电池能量密度高、超级电容功率密度大的特点,具有清洁、环保、美观等优点。报告给出了系统的总体设计方案,包括主要技术指标、系统总体结构、关键技术研究以及目前存在的问题,并给出了具体的研究规划。
Min AnBrief Bio: Min An, BEng(Hons), MSc, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, MCICE, MIEngD, is a Reader Professor in Project and Transport Risk Management at the University of Birmingham, UK, the Leader of the Safety, Risk & Reliability Management Research Group, the Director of MSc in Civil Engineering and MSc in Civil Engineering & Management, the Leader of the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education on Safety and Risk, and a member of staff in Rail Research UK Association. He is an Editor/an Associate Editor/a Member of Editorial Boards for 10 international journals. His research and consultant works, especially in the context of transportation and railway industry, are mainly in the fields of (1) development and application of more rational and sustainable safety, risk, reliability and decision-making techniques and methods to facilitate railway safety, risk and reliability analysis and (2) development of the advanced procedures for minimizing risks by improved design aspects, construction and maintenance strategies based on safety and reliability assessment. This work has been sustained over the past twenty-nine years and has resulted in over one hundred technical papers in journals/at conferences. His research work has been financially funded from a variety of sources including research councils (EU and UK), government agencies and industry. He has been involved in organization or as a member of the International Advisory Board for many of international conferences and has been invited to give many keynote lectures at the international conferences and seminars. He has collaborated with many of railway industrial major players internationally and nationally including London Underground, Rail Safety & Standard Board, Network Rail, Tube Lines, Metronet SSL, Serco Assurance, Balfour Beatty, TACO, Eurostar (UK) Ltd, Amey Plc, BAE System, Sir Robert McAlpine, Scott Wilson, and British Highways Agency etc. He has delivered many workshops to transfer his research results to industry. The outcomes of the research and consultancy activities can be broadly described as providing new or improved design, operation and maintenance related processes and strategies, resulting in the development of appropriate safety risk assessment and decision making methods and tools, particularly, in railway transportation. Title: Current Status of Railway Safety and Risk Management in the UK
Abstract: Railways are by far one of the safest means of ground transportation, especially for their passengers and employees. There are serious issues involved in both maintaining this position in reality and sustaining the public perception of railway safety excellence. Britain’s railway system was restructured and privatised between during 1990s. The industry now consists of separate companies including infrastructure controllers, train and freight operating companies, rolling stock companies and contractor companies to maintain and renew the infrastructure. However, the railway finds itself in a situation where actual and perceived safeties are real issues, to be dealt with in a new public culture of rapid change, short-term pressures and instant communications. Until Hatfield rail accident, the railway safety is now changed to safety case approach in which operators and builders of installations have to have an approved safety case for their activities before they are allowed to operate. This keynote presents an overview of current status of railway safety and risk management and a focused discussion on the lesson learned from Hatfield rail accident, main changes, current railway safety and risk management system, safety case approach framework, problems in safety and risk assessment and management with a aim to improve railway infrastructure safety management.
赵明花 总工程师
一直从事轨道交通领域新技术、新产品科研开发工作,她主持完成了国家“863”计划“高速磁浮车”、国家科技支撑计划“100%低地板轻轨车”,承担了国家科技支撑计划“混合动力动车组”等10项国家重大专项研究工作以及“和谐号”CRH5及CRH380系列高速动车组研发工作,为我国铁路客运的快速发展做出了重要的贡献。其中获省部级科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖1项,在Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, IEEE;The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application;铁道车辆;城市轨道交通研究等国内外重要学术刊物或国际会议上发表学术论文10余篇。
Title: 轨道车辆智能化研究
Abstract: 在长客股份公司现有成熟技术基础上,开展轨道车辆智能化研究,构建以智能控制为核心,以全息化列车状态感知和动态数字化运行环境为基础,以信息智能处理与交互为支撑,具有自检测、自诊断、自决策能力的智能化车辆系统。
寺泽 清(Kiyoshi Terasawa)寺泽 清(Kiyoshi Terasawa)简介,日立公司专家。
Entered Hitachi, Ltd. in 1993, and currently works at Rail Systems Company Mito Rail Systems Product division. He is engaged in design of propulsion inverters and auxiliary power supplys for electric multiple units.
Title: CRH3A城际间轨道列车用主变换装置・辅助电源装置的开发
Abstract: 开发应用在城际间轨道列车上的IGBT模块的变换装置(CI)及辅助电源装置(APS)。该系统是通过从CI的中间直流回路(DC2600V)向APS供电的系统构成,实现了在分相区间内通过逆变器的再生工作使APS仍可持续工作。本论文就系统的概要、装置的特征和车辆行驶试验结果进行说明。
LIU ZhigangBrief Bio: Pro. LIU Zhigang was born in 1961 in P.R. China, he received all his BE,ME,PHD in Beifang Jiaotong University and now is a professor and Supervisor of PhD Candidates of the school of electrical engineering, Beijing Jiaotong Univ..
His research has focused on rail transit traction drive and control, Intelligent Fault Diagnosis, reliability of power electronic circuits, Vehicle Operation Engineering . Proposed the method of Traction drive life estimation based on the cumulative assessment of the degree of damage, the system reliability evaluation theory Based on component reliability and overall system reliability associated with. Research and completed a new energy fed traction power supply device based on high-power PWM rectifier technology. Research and completed the first column of 100% low-floor light rail vehicles traction drive system . developed the "A type vehicle traction and auxiliary systems. He has got a series of research projects both from National natural science foundation committee and national ministries and commissions such as Ministry of Railway (MOR)and Ministry of Finance. These projects cover not only basic theory of Safety Prediction、 Fault Diagnosis and key control theory of Rail transport control system, but also key technology research, including: key technology of Urban rail transit fed traction power supply system and Traction drive system, key technology of the Fault Diagnosis technology of Traction power supply and transmission system, key technology of Rail transport network communication system .
He is now the executive director of Beijing Institute of Higher Education Graduate Education Research. He is also member of experts Group of High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), Chinese Ministry of Education Master of Engineering Education Steering Committee. And the direct of Power Electronics Professional Committee of China Electrotechnical Society, vice chairman of the Rail transit Electrical Equipment Professional Committee of China Electrotechnical Society.
Title: State-of-Art and Application of Power Electronic Technique for Traction Power and Drive Systems in Rail Transit
Abstract: Developing of power electronic techniques has been always playing so an important role for rail transit, but the high speed development of rail transit give so much chances for power electronics, and vise versa. As the most important power electronic equiments in the rail transit, traction power supply and drive systems adopt nearly the mature but also newest teniques of power electronics, and this keynote speed will give a view for the state-of-art and the application examples.
李砾工 总工程师
Title: 机车车辆牵引控制技术研究 |
苏众庆(Zhongqing SU)苏众庆(Zhongqing SU)简介:博士(澳大利亚),现为香港理工大学机械工程学系(The Department of Mechanical Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)副教授。主要研究方向包括结构健康监测、弹性波传导、智能材料与结构、传感器及传感器网络技术。于北京航空航天大学分别获得航空学学士和硕士学位。随后考取澳大利亚政府全额奖学金赴澳大利亚留学,2004年于澳大利亚悉尼大学 航空、机械与机电工程学院获得博士学位。同年获得澳大利亚联邦博士后研究员奖,于2005-2006年在悉尼大学从事博士后研究,直至2007年加入香港理工大学任助理教授。2011年破格晋升为副教授(tenured)。目前在香港理工大学领导一个团队致力于结构健康监测技术的研发,并主持结构动态实验室的工作。已经和正在指导六名博士生,以及十余名包括博士后在内的科研人员。
在过去的几年里,发表了超过150篇的科技文献(均为英文出版物),其中包括超过85篇的高水准SCI期刊文章。于2008和2009年出版了两本专著。其中由国际著名出版商Springer-Verlag出版的:“Identification of Damage Using Lamb Waves: From Fundamentals to Applications” 为该领域第一本全面阐述该技术的专著。文章至今获得了超过1200次的SCI引用(至今H-index 为19)。其中三篇分列著名SCI期刊NDT&E International,Journal of Sound and Vibration,以及Structural Health Monitoring全球排名第一、第二以及前十的“最被引用文章”。
自2004年以来,以主申请人的身份成功地从政府机构,工业机构,以及大学获得科研资助。现为SCI 国际期刊Structural Engineering and Mechanics 以及Coupled Systems Mechanics副主编。是SCI 期刊Smart Materials and Structures 以及Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering 的客座主编。
2010年当选为欧洲结构健康监测执委会会员,以及亚太结构健康监测会议执委会委员。于不同国家和地区做特邀报告30 余次,其中包括国际会议主题报告。曾担任澳大利亚复合材料协会执行秘书,是诸多国际会议的执委、组委会委员或秘书。
2011年获得香港理工大学“校长特设卓越成就奖(研究)”。2012年荣获结构健康监测领域最为著名的奖项:“结构健康监测-年度成就奖”(Structural Health Monitoring - Person of The Year (SHM-POY) Award),为该奖项自2004年设立以来第一位获此殊荣的华人。
Title: In-situ Guided-wave-based Health Monitoring for Train Bogie Structures: Technique Development and Application to Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway
Abstract: Based on the team’s research efforts over the years, an in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) technique taking advantage of guided elastic waves has been developed, and deployed via an online diagnosis system. The technique and the system were recently installed on China’s latest high-speed train model (CRH380CL) operated on Beijing−Shanghai High-Speed Railway (BSHSR), the world’s longest high-speed line constructed in a single phase. The system incorporated modularized components including active sensor networks, wave generation, data acquisition, signal processing, data fusion, and results presentation. The sensor network, inspired by a concept of “decentralized standard sensing”, was integrated into bogie frames during train final assembly, to generate and acquire guided ultrasonic waves, from which a wide array of signal features were extracted. Mock-up damage affixed to the bogie was identified quantitatively, and visualized in images. This in-situ testing has demonstrated the feasibility, effectiveness, sensitivity, and reliability of the developed SHM technique and system in real-world applications.
Keywords: structural health monitoring; guided waves; high-speed train; train bogie; damage detection; Beijing−Shanghai High-Speed Railway; CRH380CL
Prof. QIN Yong Yong Qin is the Dr., Professor, Vice director of State Key laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University. He also is the vice dean and secretary general of Rail Transportation Electro-technical Committee of China Electro-technical Society, the vice dean and secretary general of Rail Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee of China Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, and the member of IEEE and system safety society (USA). His research interests are in the area of intelligent transportation systems, railway operation safety and reliability, rail network management and traffic model. The developed technologies and products have been applied into Chian High-speed railway safety assurance and emergency responcy, Qinghai-tibet railway operation monitoring, Beijing Guangzhou urban rail network operation safety assurance. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 publication papers and 5 books, has 12 patents granted, also won 7 China National or Ministry Science and Technology Progress Award. Title: 轨道交通系统运营安全与应急管理理论方法及技术的发展趋势与应用